Reflections on 30 Years of
Administrative Decentralization Reform
- Towards Redefinition of the Division of Roles
between the National and Local Governments -
If the Diet’s “Resolution on the Promotion of Decentralization” is taken to mark the commencement of administrative decentralization reform in Japan, 2023 marks exactly 30 years since reform efforts began. In this paper, we find differences of opinion regarding the evaluation of these reforms: While one of our interviewees argues that the autonomy and independence of local governments have steadily increased compared to the situation 30 years ago, another believes that the national government should play a greater role in responses to emergencies such as COVID-19 and processes such as the digital transformation of society; still another sees it as problematic that the national government maintains effective control through the establishment of individual legal acts and the formulation of plans.
These views are influenced by differences in standpoints and perspectives, and do not necessarily contradict each other. While acknowledging the institutional changes resulting from administrative decentralization reform, different assessments of whether administrative decentralization has truly progressed in actual practice are possible.
The focus of discussion will be on how to redefine the division of roles between the national government and local governments, and, following this, making the relationship between the two smoother. It will be essential to consider the respective roles of the national government and local governments, with a distinction made between normal times and times of emergency. At present, we can find examples of the progressive implementation of administrative decentralization reform; however, as Japan’s population continues to decline, the number of local governments that possess limited human and financial resources will increase. The creation of new mechanisms involving broader networks, incorporating the participation of private businesses, must be considered in order to support these local governments.
*This is a translation of a paper originally published in Japanese in September, 2023.