Seeking to Realize Labor Mobility without Unemployment
- A Discussion between Government, Labor and Management -

As Japan’s economy and society undergo major changes, there is a need for a system that enables workers to move beyond the boundaries of their companies and industries into growth industries, finding employment based on their abilities and aspirations. However, Japan has been slow to transform itself into a society that encompasses dynamic employment frameworks suited to a global era. NIRA Forum 2023, “Theme 3: Vision for a Society that encompasses Dynamic Employment Frameworks: Toward 'Labor Mobility without Unemployment'“ brought together experts from government, labor, and management in order to discuss this issue from multifaceted perspectives. The discussion ranged across a variety of areas, including, in addition to employment policy, the development of social infrastructure, national land policy, and regional industrial policy.

The chief focus in the discussion was the realization of “labor mobility without unemployment.” It will be necessary to take a proactive perspective with regard to labor mobility, based on the viewpoint that the labor force should be able to move in the direction of higher wages with education for reskilling. The hurdles to voluntary job change need to be lowered in order to realize an environment in which workers can actively choose the jobs they want. This awareness of the issue was shared by both the management and the labor sides. On the other hand, the opinion was also expressed that “job-based employment” should be promoted while also carefully identifying growth areas and considering a variety of impacts. It will be important to develop a shared vision of what needs to be done to realize a society that allows labor mobility for those who desire it, a process involving not only industry, government, and academia, but also stakeholders in local communities.

This is a translation of a paper originally published in Japanese in July, 2023.

Executive Vice President, NIRA / Chairperson, The Japan Research Institute, Limited
Adjunct Senior Fellow, NIRA / Professor, Graduate School of Social Sciences, Chiba University